In Memoriam of Lago

February 20, 2025

Yesterday, we lost our sweet, kind Lago to a hard-fought battle with colic.

Lago holds a special place in our hearts. His owner, who is very ill, selflessly donated him to our organization several years ago when she could no longer take care of him. It was her fervent wish to witness Lago’s positive impact in the lives of those who need it most.

Lago was not just any horse- he was an exceptional being. With his lively and agile nature, he brought inspiration and joy to our participants. One such rider is “Max” a child with Down Syndrome, who has formed a profound bond with Lago. After each ride, “Max” takes time to connect with Lago, sharing hugs, nose rubs and kisses. His mother has observed this compassion extends beyond the stables, enriching Max’s daily life. Similarly, ” Sarah”, another of Lago’s riders, found solace and comfort in Lago’s presence following the tragic loss of her father to COVID-19. Riding Lago was the first time “Sarah” had smiled since her father’s passing, her mother shared with us.

As any equestrian will attest, horses possess a remarkable ability to bring out the best in humanity. We witness firsthand how our horses transform the lives of those in need, every single day. Lago embodied this spirit of resilience and compassion.

He will be sorely missed by participants, volunteers and staff but particularly Star and Kashi, who were his best horse friends.

Mary, Kelsey and the Staff of Walk On

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